vishaal bhavan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of vishaal bhavan 1. सागर के उस पार पहाड़ी पर एक विशाल भवन बना हुआ था। 2. वह सोच रहा था कि विश्व के इस विशाल भवन में कितना आनंद है। 3. संन्यासी जी एक विशाल भवन के सामने एक वृक्ष के नीचे ठहर गए और राजकुमार से बोले- यह सरकारी कचहरी है।

Given are the examples of hindi word vishaal bhavan usage in english sentences. The examples of vishaal bhavan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., palace.

Usually a samanta or, in later times, a zamindar built a fortified palace in or near these towns.

Then, followed by her Maids of Honour, she went through the palace and called on each of the Princesses.
They forced their way into the palace and proclaimed Bahadur Shah Zafar as their leader.
While the Bharatpur fort was built in a fairly traditional style, at Dig the Jats built an elaborate garden palace combining styles seen at Amber and Agra.
On the bitterly cold morning of 18 January 1871, an assembly comprising the princes of the German states, representatives of the army, important Prussian ministers including the chief minister Otto von Bismarck gathered in the unheated Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of ersailles to proclaim the new German Empire headed by Kaiser William I of Prussia.
The one at the top is Aladdin from the Orient who built a beautiful palace with his magic lamp.
When the procession of workers led by Father Gapon reached the Winter Palace it was attacked by the police and the Cossacks.
On the left bank were the fashionable areas, the Winter Palace, and official buildings, including the palace where the Duma met.
Lal Qila or the Red Fort, made of red sandstone, contained the palace complex.
Since the capital of British India was Calcutta, the Mughal emperor was allowed to continue living in the palace complex in the Red Fort.
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